1. Crosstown arts

Available December

So far, Crosstown seems like the best location. The tables in front of the large windows (first two photos) are temporary. Chris Minor, ED of Crosstown Arts, is happy to let us in. They have plans for a listening room, record release space, etc... He was thrilled about McKenna's project! There is plenty of space to mock up theatre type seating or some sort of variation (or maybe use one of the Crosstown theatre spaces. stay tuned). The small room with projection could be good for silhouette dancing. May not be big enough for two dancers though. However, this gets my vote! 

2. Briarcrest

Available on September 9th. Checking on later availability. Beautiful stage and theatre. House lighting guy, Ryan, can't guarantee the lights we'd need would be available. May/may not work for cost effective silhouette. Waiting to lock in DP/LD.

3. Baobab, Marshall Arts, High Cotton Brewery

These three locations are within a block of each other. There is a possibility we could shoot scenes in all three and keep to one day.

                    a. BaoBab (old hatiloo theatre)

Think about using this location for the theatre scenes. The balcony has seats about 8 per row. It has less grandeur than Briarcrest or Playhouse but the theatre and Marshall Arts are owned by the same people. Marshall Arts is across the street (see below). Available. 

                    b. Marshall Arts

For silhouette dancing. The garage door idea has some potential for the male dancer.  Marshall Arts would be great for staging, restrooms, electricity, etc... Subject to availability. No shows on the books currently for September. 

                    c. High Cotton Brewery

The lit background area is smaller than what L'il Buck had in his video but these types of loading dock openings could offer a similar affect if we want full silhouette on the dancer. Plus this may help cut down on costs. I haven't heard back from High Cotton. If you have connections, it would be worth reaching out to see if shooting there would be possible.

4. McKenna's house

5. Circuit Playhouse

avail nov 6-9 - not held currently