A. spec video using the Song and two reference videos
I found this L'il Buck video which is super close to what we're looking for and mashed it up with the dancer in silhouette Susan found earlier. This gives an idea of what some of the layering and texture could look like that we'd do in post.
Last, this spec video doesn't include any of the additional dramatic shots we'd like to include. I'm adding some of those lighting examples at the end of this page.
B. Song, "The Way I loved you"
C. Reference vid for Silhouette
We like the look of this silhouette. It's the closest match we've found - the dance style is slightly similar though we'd like a bit less of the sexual undertones (including the stilettos!). There's some slight dolly movement which is nice. This is rear lit and there is no scrim/screen/syc in front of her. Could it be easier to light with a screen in front of the dancer and a light behind her? not sure.
D. Reference vid for Jooker
The dancer we shoot for Mckenna's video will be slightly more in silhouette then L'il Buck is here. There's a photograph below that could be used for reference (first photo). I can also use a luma key in post to get the look. I'd almost like it to be lighter to go darker than vice versa. thoughts?
D. Blown out and rim lit shots
These shots have been less thought out though this is the general effect we're going after. RIght now, the concept is the couple entering a theatre building, walking down a corridor, opening a door to blown out light... then seated in a theatre backs in silhouette, faces rimmed and slightly visible and they slowly separate... (Close ups to wides, then exit)